The Serpent of Light
Oil on Canvas, 16" x 20"
This painting is based on the book 'The Serpent of Light' by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
It is a representation of the book's main theme, namely that the earth is a living entity in its own right. This is a long held belief among the traditional tribal cultures across the globe, and that our dear planet should be respected as such. Central to this belief is that our living, breathing planet is imbued with the same life-force as every other living creature, namely 'Kundalini' energy, and this is the white 'serpent' of energy depicted in the painting.
So... Every 13,500 years the energy shifts its position and strikes out across the planet surface for a new location in order to spend the next 13,500 years safely embedded in a new locality. The energy behaves like a dazzling Serpent of Light as it twists and weaves its long journey, yet it is visible only to those initiates among the tribal elders of the world who are gifted with the special 'sight' to perceive it.
Along its journey, the Serpent of Light connects with and activates every energy crossing-point of the earth's complex matrix of ley lines. Throughout human history, many of these ley line crossing points have been used as sacred ritual sites, often with standing stones, stone circles, pyramids, churches, and cathedrals built upon them.
Until recently, the earth's Kundalini energy had been rooted in the Tibetan mountains for the last 13,500 years. Now it has relocated to northern Chile in south America, exactly on the opposite side of the planet to where it was, and it will stay there for the next 13,500 years.
This time period directly relates to the 'Precession of the Equinoxes', which is 26,900 years in duration.
This surreal image was inspired by the book and is entirely imaginary.