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Saturn from one of its Orbital Moons
​Gouache watercolour on cardboard. 11" x 14 1/2"
I imagined standing on one of the moons of Saturn, outside the ring system. The dusty 'band' of stars in the black sky is our own Milky Way galaxy.
I did this when I was 14 years old, in the year of 1972. My school art teacher thought it was 'very strange indeed' for a kid to be doing 'this kind of thing'. I was henceforth discouraged from continuing with the painting, which I eventually finished at home.
Accordingly dispirited, I gave up on such creative pursuits for the following 15 years. I very much regret that now, but I came back to it in the end, when all the old know-it-all naysayers from my school days were long departed from the scene.
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