Forbidden History from the Cycle of Time
​Oil on canvas. 16" x 20"
'Awkward' discoveries like this one are called 'Forbidden Archaeology'.
When things are unearthed by archaeology which don't fit the 'orthodox' timeline, it can cause a bit of a problem for academia.
Many such finds have indeed been made, spanning well over 200 years of modern archaeology.
If the scientific and academic world were to accommodate these mind-blowing discoveries into the 'official historical narrative', we would have an entirely different and truer perspective on who we really are and where we actually came from.
That unfortunately, is less likely to happen than if you or I were to stick booster rockets on a wheelbarrow, and fly to Neptune.
This painting depicts a hypothetical discovery, unearthed to reveal a fossilized Victorian-style bicycle adjacent to a fossilized dinosaur skeleton. Embedded in the same rock layer, the two objects would have been laid down together way back in prehistoric times, millions of years ago. Therefore they would be dated to the same time. Quite the conundrum, one might think.
Over the course of two centuries, many archaeological digs around the world have unearthed similarly 'impossible' conundrums.
And these finds are all kept secret and hidden, well away from the purview of an entirely unsuspecting public.
That's why it's called 'Forbidden Archaeology', and through this blatant obfuscation of the facts, we are prevented and forbidden from knowing our own true ancient history. In this context, forbidden archaeology is indeed synonymous with forbidden history.
For further enlightenment into this fascinating subject, please refer to Michael Cremo's lifelong research, and his epic book Forbidden Archaeology.